
Article AUTONOME (Décret n° 2010-1549 du 14 décembre 2010 portant publication de la Mesure 2 (2007) ― Zones gérées spéciales de l'Antarctique ― Désignations et plans de gestion (ensemble deux annexes), adoptée à New Delhi le 11 mai 2007 (1))

Article AUTONOME (Décret n° 2010-1549 du 14 décembre 2010 portant publication de la Mesure 2 (2007) ― Zones gérées spéciales de l'Antarctique ― Désignations et plans de gestion (ensemble deux annexes), adoptée à New Delhi le 11 mai 2007 (1))

Distances à respecter en approchant à pied
des espèces sauvages

Pétrels géants et albatros en phase de reproduction ou de nidification
100 m
Manchots empereurs (en colonie, regroupés, en phase de mue, avec des œufs ou des oisillons)
50 m
Toutes les autres espèces de manchots (en colonie, en phase de mue, avec des œufs ou des oisillons)
30 m
Prions, pétrels, labbes en nidation
Phoques avec leurs petits ou bébés phoques isolés
20 m
Manchots et phoques adultes hors de la période de reproduction
5 m

Distances à respecter en approchant les espèces sauvages
avec de petits véhicules (quads et motoneiges)

Toutes les espèces de faune et de flore
150 m

Distances à respecter en approchant les espèces sauvages
avec des véhicules chenillés

Toutes les espèces de faune et de flore
250 m

Distances à respecter en approchant les espèces sauvages
avec des aéronefs

Distance verticale
Hélicoptères monomoteur
2 500 pieds (environ 750 mètres)
Hélicoptères bimoteur
5 000 pieds (environ 1 500 mètres)
Distance horizontale
1/2 mille nautique (environ 930 mètres)
Distance verticale et horizontale
Hélicoptères monomoteur
2 500 pieds (environ 750 mètres)
Hélicoptères bimoteur
5 000 pieds (environ 1 500 mètres)
Avion bimoteur à voilure fixe
2 500 pieds (environ 750 mètres)

Appendice 2 ―
Coordonnées des points de contact nationaux

Australian Antarctic DivisionFondation antarctique roumaine
Channel Highway Institut roumain de recherche polaire
Kingston 1 Libertatii, Blvd
Tasmania 7050Bucharest ―4
Téléphone : +61(03)6232 3209 Téléphone/Télécopie : 0040213372986
Télécopie : +61(03)6232 3357 Courriel :
E-mail :
République populaire de ChineFédération de Russie
Administration arctique et antarctique chinoiseExpédition antarctique russe
Fuxingmenwai Street Institut de recherche arctique et antarctique
Beijing 100860 38 Bering Street
République populaire de Chine 199397 St Petersburg
Fédération de Russie
Téléphone : +86 10 6804 7750 Téléphone : +7 812 352 2930
Télécopie : +86 10 6801 2776Télécopie : +7 812 352 3011
Courriel : Courriel :
Centre national pour la recherche antarctique et océanique
Sada, Vasco-da-Gama
Goa 403 804
Téléphone : +91 832 2525 501
Télécopie : +91 832 2525 502
+91 832 2520 877
Courriel :

Appendice 3 ― Bibliographie et ouvrages
de référence sur les collines Larsemann

Anon. (1987). Law Base established in Larsemann Hills. ANARE News. March 1987 : 3.
Australian Antarctic Foundation et Australian Antarctic Division (1997). Larsemann Hills : an Antarctic microcosm. Workshop abstracts and program, Hobart, Australia 13-16 May 1997.
Bian l., Lu L. et Jia P. (1996). Characteristics of ultraviolet radiation in 1993-1994 at the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Antarctic Research (Chinese edition). 8(3) : 29-35.
Brazil (1996). A proposal by Brazil and Poland, in coordination with Ecuador and Peru, that Admiralty Bay, King George Island (South Shetland Island) be designated as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA). Working Paper #15, ATCM XX. Utrecht, Netherlands.
Burgess J., Carson C., Head J. et Spate A. (1997). Larsemann Hills : not heavily glaciated during the last glacial maximum. The Antarctic Region : Geological Evolution and Processes. 841-843.
Burgess J. et Gillieson D. (1988). On the thermal stratification of freshwater lakes in the Snowy Mountains, Australia, and the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Search. 19(3) : 147-149.
Burgess J., Gillieson D. et Spate A. (1988). Australian Antarctic Oasis : Larsemann Hills, Ingrid Christensen Land. Heritage Australia. 7(1) : 2-6.
Burgess J. S., Gillieson D. S. et Spate A. P. (1987). Geomorphological studies in the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica.
Burgess J. S. et Kaup E. (1997). Some aspects of human impacts on lakes in the Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, Eastern Antarctica. In : Lyons W., Howard-Williams C. and Hawes I. (eds.). Ecosystem process in Antarctic Ice-free Landscapes. A.A. Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam. pp. 259-264.
Burgess J. S., Spate A. P. et Norman F.I. (1992). Environmental impacts of station development in the Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. Journal of Environmental Management. 36 : 287-299.
Burgess J.S., Spate A.P. et Shevlin J. (1994). The onset of deglaciation in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 6(4) : 491-495.
Carson C.J., Dirks P.G.H.M., Hand M., Sims J.P. et Wilson C.J.L. (1995). Compressional and extensional tectonics in low-medium pressure granulites from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Geological Magazine. 132(2) : 151-170.
Carson C.J., Fanning C.M. et Wilson C.J.L. (1996). Timing of the Progress Granite, Larsemann hills : additional evidence for Early Palaeozoic orogenisis within the east Antarctic Shield and implications for Gondwana assembly. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 43 : 539-553.
China (1996). Oil spill contingency plan for Chinese Zhongshan Station in Antarctica. Information Paper #87, ATCM XXI. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Dartnall H.J.G. (1995). Rotifers, and other aquatic invertebrates from the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 129 : 17-23.
Dirks P.H.G.M., Carson C.J. et Wilson C.J.L. (1993). The deformational history of the Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay : the importance of the Pan-African (500 Ma) in East Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 5(2) : 179-192.
Ellis-Evans J.C., Laybourn-Parry J., Bayliss P.R. et Perriss S.J. (1998). Physical, chemical and microbial community characteristics of lakes of the Larsemann Hills, Continental Antarctica. Archiv fur Hydrobiologia. 141(2) : 209-230.
Ellis-Evans J.C., Laybourn-Parry J., Bayliss P.R. et Perriss S.T. (1997). Human impact on an oligotrophic lake in the Larsemann Hills. In : Battaglia B., Valencia J. et Walton D.W.H. (eds.). Antarctic communities : species, structure and survival. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 396-404.
Fitsimons I.C.W. (forthcoming). The age of metamorphism, melting and deformation in basement rocks of southern Prydz Bay, and implications for the history of Gondwana. Larsemann Hills Symposium Volume.
Fletcher L. (1987). Larsemann Hills summer operations. ANARE News. June 1987 : 3.
Gasparon M. (2000). Human impacts in Antarctica : trace element geochemistry of freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Environmental Geography. 39(9) : 963-976.
Gasparon M., Lanyon R., Burgess J.S. et Sigurdsson I.A. (2002). The freshwater lakes of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica : chemical characteristics of the water column. ANARE Research Notes 147 : 1-28.
Gibson J.A.E., Darntall H.J.G. et Swadling K.M. (1998). On the occurrence of males and production of ephippial eggs in populations of Daphniopsis studeri (Cladocera) in lakes in the Vestfold and Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Polar Biology. 19 : 148-150.
Gillieson D. (1990). Diatom stratigraphy in Antarctic freshwater lakes. Quaternary Research in Antarctica : Future Directions. 6-7 December 1990, 55-67.
Gillieson D. (1991). An environmental history of two freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Hydrobiologia. 214 : 327-331.
Gillieson D., Burgess J. et Spate A. (1988). Geomorphology and limnology of the Larsemann Hills Antarctica. Paper presented to International Geographical Congress, Sydney.
Gillieson D., Burgess J., Spate A. et Cochrane A. (1990). An atlas of the lakes of the Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. ANARE Research Notes. 74 : 1-73.
Goldsworthy P.M., Canning E.A., Riddle M.J. (2002). Contamination in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica : is it a case of overlapping activities causing cumulative impacts ? Snape I., Warren R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference : Contaminants in Freezing Ground. Hobart, 14-18 April 2002 60-61.
Goldsworthy P.M., Canning E.A. et Riddle M.J. (2003). Soil and water contamination in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Polar Record 39(211) : 319-337.
Gore D., Burgess J., Creagh D. et Baird A. (1995). Salts in the Vestfold Hills and why they are important. ANARE News. 76 : 21-22.
He J. et Chen B. (1996). Vertical distribution and seasonal variation in ice algae biomass in coastal sea ice off Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica. Antarctic Research (Chinese). 7(2) : 150-163.
Hodgson D.A., Noon P.E., Vyvermann W., Bryant C.L., Gore D.B., Appleby P., Gilmour M., Verleyen E., Sabbe K., Jones V.J., Ellis-Evans J.C. et Wood P.B. (2001). Were the Larsemann Hills icethrough the Last Glacial Maximum ? Antarctic Science 13(4) : 440-454.
Kaup E. et Burgess J.S. (2002). Surface and subsurface flows of nutrients in natural and human impacted lake catchments on Broknes, Larsemann Hills, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 14(4) : 343-352.
Kriwoken L.K. (1992). Chinese at Zhongshan focus on environmental protection. ANARE News. Autumn 1992 : 24-25.
Kriwoken L.K. (1994). Antarctic environmental and joint protection. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy. Spring : 86-88.
Law P.G. (1988). First Landings at Larsemann Hills. Aurora. 7(4) : 27-31.
Law P.G. (1995). You Have To Be Lucky : Antarctic and other adventures. Kangaroo Press, NSW.
Li S. (1994). A preliminary study on aeolian landforms in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Antarctic Research (Chinsese edition). 6(4) : 23-31.
Manning J. (1991). A new topographic map of the Larsemann Hills. ANARE Club Journal. 11(2) : 27-28.
Marchant H.J., Bowman J., Gibson J., Laybourn-Parry J. et McMinn A. (2002). Aquatic microbiology : the ANARE perspective. In : Marchant H.J., Lugg D.J., Quilty P.G. (eds). Australian Antarctic Science : The first 50 years of ANARE. Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart. pp. 237-269.
McMinn A. et Harwood D. (1995). Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of early Pliocene diatom assemblages from the Larsemann Hills, eastern Antarctica. Antarctic Science. 7(1) : 115-116.
Miller W.R., Heatwole H., Pidgeon R.W.J. et Gardiner G.R. (1994). Tardigrades of the Australian Antarctic Territories : the Larsemann Hills East Antarctica. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 113(2) : 142-160.
Pahl B.C., Terhune J.M. et Burton H.R. (1997). Repertoire and geographic variation in underwater vocalisations of Weddell Seals (Leptonychotes weddellii, Pinnipedia : Phocidae) at the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica. Australian Journal of Zoology. 45 : 171-187.
Prebble M. et Dingwall P. (1997). Guidelines and Procedures for Visitors to the Ross Sea Region. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand. 55pp.
Quilty P.G. (1990). Significance of evidence for changes in the Antarctic marine Environment over the last 5 million years. In : Kerry K.R. and Hempel G. (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems ; ecological change and conservation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 3-8.
Quilty P.G. (1993). Coastal East Antarctic Neogene sections and their contribution to the ice sheet evolution debate. In : Kennett J.P. and Warnke D. (eds.). The Antarctic Paleo environment : A perspective on global change. Antarctic Research Series, 60, 251-264.
Quilty P.G., Gillieson D., Burgess J., Gardiner G., Spate A. et Pidgeon R. (1990). Ammophidiella from the Pliocene of Larsemann Hill, East Antarctica. Journal of Foraminiferal Research. 20(1) : 1-7.
Riddle M. (1995). Human impacts research in the Larsemann Hills. ANARE News. 76 : 9.
Riddle M.J. (1997). The Larsemann Hills, at risk from cumulative impacts, a candidate for multi-nation management. Proceedings of the IUCN Workshop on Cumulative Impacts in Antarctica. Washington DC, USA. 18-21 September 1996, 82-86.
Russia (1999). Initial Environmental Evaluation Compacted Snow Runway at the Larsemann Hills. Information Paper #79 Corr. 2, ATCM XXIII. Lima, Peru.
Sayers J. (forthcoming). Past and future logistical support for the Larsemann Hills. Larsemann Hills Symposium Volume.
Seppelt R.D. (1986). Bryophytes of the Vestfold Hills. In : Pickard J. (ed.) Antarctic oasis ; terrestrial environments and history of the Vestfold Hills. Academic Press, Sydney. pp. 221-245.
Spate A., Gillieson D. et Burgess J. (1988). Aspects of the Geomorphology of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Geological Mapping of two Southern Continents : The Geological Mapping of Australia from David to 1 :50,000. The Edgeworth David Day Symposium. 121-123.
Spate A.P., Burgess J.S. et Shevlin J. (1995). Rates of rock surface lowering, Princess Elizabeth Land, Eastern Antarctica. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 20 : 567-573.
Stuwe K., Braun H.M. et Peer H. (1989). Geology and structure of the Larsemann Hills area, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 36 : 219-241.
Stuwe K. et Powell R. (1989). Low-pressure granulite facies metamorphism in the Larsemann Hills area, East Antarctica : petrology and tectonic implications for the evolution of the Prydz Bay area. Journal of metamorphic geology. 7(4) : 465-483.
Walton D.H., Vincent W.F., Timperley M.H., Hawes I. et Howard-Williams C. (1997). Synthesis : Polar deserts as indicators of change. In : Lyons, Howard-Williams et Hawes (eds.). Ecosystem Processes in Antarctic Ice-free Landscapes. Balkema, Rotterdam. pp. 275-279.
Wang Z. (1991). Ecology of Catharacta maccormicki near Zhongshan Station in Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Antarctic Research (Chinese edition). 3(3) : 45-55.
Wang Z. (1991). Ecology of the south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki near Zhonshan Station in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Antarctic Research (Chinese edition). 3 : 45-55.
Wang Z. et Norman F.I. (1993). Foods of the south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. Polar Biology. 13 : 255-262.
Wang Z. et Norman F.I. (1993). Timing of breeding, breeding success and chick growth in South Polar skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) in the Eastern Larsemann Hills. Notornis. 40(3) : 189-203.
Wang Z., Norman F.I., Burgess J.S., Ward S.J., Spate A.P. et Carson C.J. (1996). Human influences on breeding populations of south polar skuas in the eastern Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica. Polar Record. 32(180) : 43-50.
Waterhouse E.J. (1997). Implementing the protocol on ice free land : The New Zealand experience at Vanda Station. In : Lyons, Howard-Williams and Hawes (eds.). Ecosystem Processes in Antarctic Ice-free Landscapes. Balkema, Rotterdam. pp. 265-274.
Whitehead M.D. et Johnstone G.W. (1990). The distribution and estimated abundance of Adelie penguins breeding in the Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 3 : 91-98.
Woehler E.J. (1993). The Distribution and Abundance of Antarctic and Subantarctic Penguins. SCAR, Cambridge, UK. 76pp.
Woehler E.J. et Johnstone G.W. (1991). Status and conservation of the seabirds of the Australian Antarctic Territory. ICBP Technical Publications. 11 : 279-308.

Appendice 4 ―
Cartes des collines Larsemann

Carte A. Topographie et caractéristiques physiques
Carte B. Aires de gestion et aires libres de glace
Carte C. Détail de la partie nord de l'aire des installations
Carte D. Zhongshan ― bâtiments, installations et aires
Carte E. Progress II ― bâtiments, installations et aires
Il est possible de se procurer des cartes détaillées de la région en visitant le site Web de l'Australian Antarctic Data Centre à :
(Références # 13130 et 13135).

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9

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JOn° 291 du 16/12/2010 texte numéro 9